The Super Base and Rover

The Newest GNSS Receiver from SiteBoss.
Equipped for the heaviest projects, the SiteBoss Super Receiver allows for higher data storage, better accuracy, and full brand compatibility.
Integrate With Machine Control
The Super antenna can be used on popular excavator systems, saving you money when making the move into machine control systems.
Unprecedented Accuracy
The Super allows GPS corrections to be broadcasted via internal UHF radio, external radio, or cellular/NTRIP caster, so you're always getting the most accurate data wherever you are.
Universal Brand Compatibility
The SiteBoss Super is fully compatible with all major brands of GPS. Never be tied down to purchasing one brand again.
Support is Always Available
From your android field tablet, you can send a support request and a SiteBoss support tech will connect and walk you through your issue. SiteBoss also has a how-to video library that is always accessible when you’re on the go. Get data prepped, models built, and projects loaded remotely from the manufacturer as you work on site.
GPS Should be Affordable
Why are GPS rovers so expensive? They don't have to be. Manufacturers keep adding features to justify their prices never decreasing. SiteBoss Super rover includes all constellations, tilt technology, is easy to use, and has full brand compatibility. Fully loaded for $17.5K
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